Friday, February 15, 2008

Bas van de Haterd- Speaker at

BIO: Bas van de Haterd (the Netherlands), van de Haterd Consultancy
Bas van de Haterd is a professional medler. That's something like a consultant, he just doesn't always keep to the job he's hired for. His goal is always to help a company forward the best he can even if that means pointing out problems that some people within the company would rather ignore. He was 'raised' in business in the new media sector. His main area of expertise is new media and recruitment, helping companies not to be afraid of the new media but embrace it.
Next to that he's a business developer, helping companies (mainly but not exclusively in the recruitment industry) making money out of new media opportunities. As a fanatic blogger and networker he is a personal brand in his own niche market in the Netherlands.


Bas will have an interesting story on how companies use social networking and Web 2.0 to recruit online, how they can use it to influence their employer branding, the do's & don'ts..

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