Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Somesso: Oct 31, Zurich
Friday, October 17, 2008
A new format for booklovers
Monday, September 29, 2008
35 ICT Symposium October 1 & 2nd
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Build Your Own Social Network
Thursday, May 15, 2008
ThinkTomorrow- the program!
The program :
from 9 a.m to 9.30 a.m: Geert Conard/Country Manager Ecademy (Belgium)
from 9.40 a.m to 10.10 a.m: Wim De Waele/Director IBBT (Belgium)
from 10.20 a.m to 10.50 a.m: Patricia Ceysens/Flemish Minister of Economics (Belgium)
Coffee break
from 11.20 a.m to 11.50 a.m: Octavio Pitaluga/Founder TEN (Brasil)
from 12 p.m to 12.30 p.m: Emeric Ernoult/co-founder Affinitz (France)
from 12.30 to 13.30: Lunch
from 13.30 p.m to 14 p.m: Sagi Richberg/Founder of a company in stealth mode (Israel/USA)
from 14.10 p.m to 14.40 p.m: Bas Van de Haterd/van de Haterd Consultancy (The
from 15 p.m to 15.30 p.m: Hendrik Deckers/CIO Net (Belgium)
Coffee break
from 16 p.m to 16.30 p.m: Sabine Allaeys/Co-founder Minifizz (Belgium)
from 16.40 p.m to 17.40 p.m: The Elevator Pitch, kindly introduced by Filip De Geijter, CEO Actonomy: Allejobsinleuven, Synergetics, Xpertize, Paladares, Wwaow, Wygwam, Knowledge Plaza, iStockCV, IntroNiche, Winkwaves
Actonomy calls for collaboration on Web2.0 for HR:
HR professionals are invited to join the work group to define the WEB2.0 for HR Model. People interested in this collaborative project, please visit www.actonomy.com/web2_0_for_hr.html
from 17.40 p.m to 19 p.m: Cocktail & networking
Monday, April 28, 2008
ThinkTomorrow covered in Brazilian newsletter
Thais de Barros
RIO DE JANEIRO - Octavio Pitaluga Neto, Chief Networking Officer da TEN – Top Executives Net, está finalizando a agenda de sua viagem a Europa em junho. Ele se apresentará no “Think Tomorrow” e “Business ICT Breakfast” para um público estimado em 500 executivos em Bruxelas, capital da Bélgica. O profissional ficará exposto no evento durante apenas 36 horas e terá como tema a “Gestão de Redes de Negócios” e sua indústria.As pessoas que convidaram Octavio a se apresentar nunca o viram pessoalmente e nem muito menos atuando como palestrante. Ele não pertence a nenhuma grande marca corporativa e nem está sendo patrocinado por qualquer investidor. A grande maioria de sua rede de contatos internacionais foi construída nas redes sociais de negócios on-line.O empresário vem criando uma marca própria como especialista no tema de Gestão de Redes de Negócios, e conquista a confiança de seus pares ao longo dos últimos quatro anos de intensa atividade nas principais redes sociais. Baseado em sua experiência como Diretor de Marketing e Vendas Europa dentro de um grande grupo sueco de telecomunicações e mídia, posição conquistada após o MBA pela RSM Erasmus University (Holanda), ele rapidamente entendeu que as organizações necessitam de um novo estilo de liderança colaborativa e que saibam usar de todo o real poder das redes de contatos na aceleração de negócios, impactando tremendamente a valorização da empresa.A boa notícia é justamente o que ensina em suas palestras, treinamentos e programas de coaching in-company. Todo esses recursos estão facilmente disponíveis às empresas e indivíduos. “Tudo começa com o simples entendimento de que os mesmos encontram-se nas pessoas. Gestão de Redes de Negócios não é a respeito do número de contatos mas do valor que adicionamos a eles”, comenta. É justamente isso o que Octavio explicará aos empresários europeus. “Sim, temos profissionais, produtos e serviços nacionais com qualidade e reputação internacional”, completa.
Serviço:Think TomorrowData: quinta-feira, 5 de junho de 2008 – 8h45
Local: Crowne Plaza Brussels Airport (Diegem) – Bruxelas - Bélgica
Investimento: de 400 a 500 euros.
Mais informações: http://www.amiando.com/thinktomorrow
Friday, April 11, 2008
TV Show and social networking platform of the RTBF
Intermédias is the new multimedia & social networking platform of the RTBF (Radio Télévision Belge Francophone). On Monday 14 of April at 22H25, the TV show with the same name, will bring a special topic on social networking. As one of their guests, I'm looking forward to the debate :-)
Here you can find where & when the show will be broadcasted:
La Une :
- Lundi 14.04.08 à 22 h 24
- Samedi 19.04.08 à 8 h 20
La Trois :
- Mardi 15.04.08 à 20 h 08
- Mercredi 16.04.08 à 14 h 12
- Jeudi 17.04.08 à 22 h 45
- Samedi 19.04.08 à 26 h 02
- Dimanche 20.04.08 à 10 h 20
- Mardi 22.04.08 à 11 h 11
- Mercredi 16.04.08 à 14 h 12
- Jeudi 17.04.08 à 22 h 45
- Samedi 19.04.08 à 26 h 02
- Dimanche 20.04.08 à 10 h 20
- Mardi 22.04.08 à 11 h 11
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Belgian Web 2.0 Talent on Bizz cover
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Elevator Pitch for Web 2.0 companies at ThinkTomorrow
For whom?
Companies which offer added value to HR/recruitment or sales & marketing, using Web 2.0 technology. They can be startups although it is not a requirement.
Conditions to enter:
1. Explain in a short email how your product or service adds value to HR/recruitment or sales & marketing departments and what Web 2.0 elements it contains.
2. After accepting your candidacy, registration codes will be sent to you in order to buy your ticket to ThinkTomorrow at 175 euro instead of 500 euro.
3. You are able to present your company in 3 minutes using maximum 6 slides -who? what? how?- and you send in your presentation at the end of April at the latest. All presentations will be held in English.
How to register?
Send your candidacy to An De Jonghe (adj AT thinktomorrow.eu) before the end of April 2008. Available places for the Elevator Pitch are limited. Candidates who meet the requirements, will be admitted on the basis of ‘first come, first served'.
We hope to meet you there!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Marco Ripanti- Speaker at ThinkTomorrow
Marco is one of Germany's most creative speakers in the field of Web 2.0. In 2006, he founded the company ekaabo (of which he is the CEO) to create a metacommunity called Communipedia (*).
(*) Members will be able to take along their networks from one to another community.
They use the same login data for every connected community. Privacy will be an issue decided
by members exclusively. Any community is welcome to connect with communipedia.
Before this he worked at the Italian consulate, became a radio entertainer and taught online marketing & new media before practising his own business ideas in 1998.
Since 2002 he and his team design, develop and maintain online communities for special interest groups.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Emeric Ernoult- Speaker at ThinkTomorrow
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Spotted by Locals
A nice new initiative from two Dutch entrepreneurs who have just started, is Spotted by Locals. The idea behind this is that local people always know the best restaurants, places to hang out, museums etc in their city; much better than any city guide can offer.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Redes sociales en el mundo: Hechos y estadísticas en América Latina
Un hecho interesante es que las redes sociales no parecen ser tan populares aún en Oriente Medio o en América del Sur, a pesar de los muchos latinos que viven y trabajan en Estados Unidos, lo que se esperaba que actuase como catalizador. Además, hay unas pocas redes sociales fuera que están enfocadas para latinos, pero muchas de ellas están dirigidas por americanos blancos de Estados Unidos.
Los países de América Latina de los que se habla en el libro son: Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, México, Nicaragua y Venezuela.
Para tener una visión global de los diferentes tipos de redes y comparar el ranking de América Latina con el resto del mundo, haz clic aquí.
Las redes sociales en el mundo. Hechos y estadísticas (mundiales)
Negocios: 12%
Amigos: 27%
Citas: 5%
Aficiones: 40%
Video/Foto: 12%
Movil: 4%
Para ver con más claridad este entramado de comunidades sociales, he introducido 6 categorías diferentes:
1.Negocios, ej: Linkedin
Son las redes sociales en las que el principal objetivo es intercambiar ideas de negocios, encontrar nuevos y/o proveedores, encontrar una nueva posición y darse a conocer entre los cazaejecutivos y futuros empleadores.
2.Amigos, ej: Facebook
Podría decirse que estos sitios son los “fundadores” de las redes sociales: girando alrededor de antiguos y nuevos amigos, estas redes sociales te permiten volver a contactar con antiguos compañeros de clase, encontrar nuevos amigos para pasar el tiempo, tanto en línea como fuera y divertirse.
3.Citas, ej: Meetic
Incluso los sitios destinados a las citas han estado presentes desde el principio. Solo he considerado aquellos sitios web que han incluído la Web 2.0 en su paquete. (Es bastante interesante ver cómo sitos gays se han alzado más rápido en las redes sociales que algunos de sus más estrechos homólogos).
4.Aficiones, ej: Bookmooch
Es de una gran categoría en su ámbito, incluyendo sitios específicos que tratan diferentes temas, como: libros, música, padres, comida, religión, coches, hobbies, etc.
5. Video/Foto, ej: Youtube
Muchas de los sitios video y foto actuales, se han convertido en verdaderas comunidades en línea donde la gente comparte más que una simple foto o un video. En lugar de permitirles compartir opiniones, interactuan entre ellos mismos, ofreciendo opiniones, etc. Se convierte, así en su propia red social.
6.Movil, ej: Dodgeball
Parece que existe un nuevo tipo de redes sociales, son las llamadas redes sociales móviles, denominadas también Mososo (Software de móviles sociales). En éstas podrás contactar con otra comunidad mediante tu teléfono móvil o Internet. Sin embargo, muchos de estas Mososos te permiten acceder a la comunidad también mediante su página web.
Como se puede apreciar, predominan los sitios de aficiones y amigos, principalmente porque los sitios de amigos fueron los que comenzaron con este fenómeno de las redes sociales y porque la categoría de aficiones es la que está creciendo más rápidamente en Estados Unidos, que con su número total de redes, está influyendo considerablemente en los resultados.
Observación 1: es bastante sorprendente que los sitios orientados a los negocios representan solo un 12% de las redes sociales en el mundo. Todavía queda trabajo que hacer para poder desempeñar un buen negocio en la red. Me resulta gracioso que los directores de empresas me digan que ellos no necesitan estas redes sociales o que solo son para adolescentes. Teniendo en cuenta estas estadísticas, creo que cada vez veremos más directores usando las redes sociales para elevar sus perfiles, así como hacer negocios a través de ellas para sus empresas.
Estados Unidos y Canadá: 51%
América Latina: 2%
África: 1%
Australia y Nueva Zelanda: 1,5%
Asia: 6%
La India: 2,5%
Oriente Medio: 2,5%
Rusia y Ucrania: 1,5%
Europa: 31%
Observación2: en cifras absolutas, podemos ver que Estados Unidos y Canadá están a la cabeza con un 51% del total de las redes sociales mundiales. Por otra parte, esto quiere decir que la mitad de las redes sociales provienen de fuera de Estados Unidos, hecho que contradice la creencia popular que, a veces, da por hecho que todas las redes sociales provienen de América. Europa es un buen ejemplo con un tercio del total de las redes sociales.
Me quedé sorprendida al descubrir que Oriente Medio ayuda a construir esta estadística con algunas redes sociales. Vemos por el contrario, que no es evidente que los países industrializados desde hace muchos años estén a la vanguardia de la tecnología, sin embargo, los nuevos países industrializados pueden tomar el liderazgo en la Web 2.0.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Sabine Allaeys- Speaker at ThinkTomorrow.eu
community for young girls in the web and mobile space with
presence in the print media. The whole universe is based
upon the foxy MiniFizz characters and the MF Popp's
avatars. It combines old and new media and fun,
selfrealisation, information and commerce in a playful way.
Sabine also has her own blog:
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
SNATW: Facts & Figures Europe
In the charts we see that both friendship networks as well as special interest networks are well developed, but even more so than in the US (45), Europe is the cradle of 49 different professional networks, taking the worldwide lead.
Find more on the different social networks in Europe (per country) on p349-492
To compare Europe to the rest of the world, check our previous blogpost.
SNATW: Facts & Figures Russia & Ukraine
More information on Russian & Ukranian SN, please read p343-348
To compare Russia & Ukraine to the rest of the world, check our previous blogpost.
SNATW: Facts & Figures Middle East
Interesting to see is that Video and Photo networks are the second most popular type of network (6).
Remark: If we look at social networks based on religion (part of Special Interest), we see that Jewish and Muslim SN are mostly created by Jews or Muslims living outside the Middle East.
More on social networking in the Middle East, p327-340
To compare the Middle East to the rest of the world, check our previous post.
SNATW: Facts & Figures India
Given the explosive growth of the country, especially within the IT industry, I am expecting to hear much more from the Indian networks in the coming years, possibly even a takeover of one of the larger American SN by one of India's giant IT consultancy companies?
To compare India to the rest of the world, check our previous post.
More information on p309-323
SNATW: Facts & Figures Asia
Remark: The vast majority of Asian social networks, are focussed on the own community (Chinese, Korean,...) and usually in the local language only. Localisation (putting a website into different languages, targeting different cultures) doesn't seem a high priority for most of these sites so far, leaving the Western world outside.
More on Asian networks on p 285-307
To compare Asia to the rest of the world, read our previous post.
SNATW: Facts & Figures Australia & New Zealand
Although Australia and New Zealand have only 16 social networks of their own, it is striking that Special Interest communities are most popular, just like with their American friends.
More info on pages 275-283
To see how Oceania compares to the rest of the world, check here
SNATW: Facts & Figures Africa
Countries covered in the book include: Ghana, Kenia, South Africa and Zambia.
SNATW: Facts & Figures Latin America
An interesting fact is that social networking doesn't seem to be as popular (yet) in Middle or South America, despite the many latinos living and working in the US, which you'd expect to work as a catalyst. Also, there are quite a few social networks out there which are targetting Latinos; but most of them are run by white Americans from the States.
Latin American countries that are commented on in the book include: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua and Venzuela.
(*) For a global view on different types of networks and/or to compare where Latin America ranks compared to the rest of the world, check here.
SNATW: Facts & Figures USA
Another noteworthy trend however, is that Special Interest Social Networks (*) - meaning SN that revolve around a particular topic or shared interest- are clearly taking the lead in terms of numbers: 278 networks are dedicated to topics such as books, food, parenting, religion, specific age groups, gaming,...the list seems endless.
Taking in mind how the United Stated have dominated the world of social networking so far, it gives an indication to those of you who are wondering where the future of social networking lies: users want to talk about their specific needs and interests, rather than to socialize online for the sake of socializing. We will probably see more specialist networks arrive in the next few months, as the possibilities are endless. Also, it gives the newcomers a better fighting chance to find followers and reach a critical mass; something which is a lot harder to do nowadays when launching a more general SN and having to compete with MySpace and Facebook .
(*) Some American examples include: Humblevoice, Goodreads, Infieldparking, Comicspace, Nirvanawoman, Spout, Bakespace, Warcraft, Zaadz, Patientslikeme, Vostu, ...
For a full list, see pages 69-161 (American special interest networks) and 249- 253 in the book.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Social Networks Around The World: Facts & Figures (worldwide)
In order to see more clearly into the jungle of all the social communities out there, I have introduced 6 different categories:
- Business, e.g. Linkedin
These are the Social Networks (SN) where the primary objective is to exchange business ideas, to find new clients and/or suppliers, to find a new position or to get noticed by headhunters and future employers,... - Friends, e.g. Facebook
These sites are arguably the "founders" of social networking: revolving around old and new friends, these SN allow you to (re)connect to old schoolmates, find new friends to hang out with online and possibly offline, and to have fun. - Dating e.g. Meetic
Even though dating sites have been present on the Internet from the very beginning, I have only taken into consideration those dating sites which have added Web 2.0 elements into their package. (Interestingly enough, gay sites seem to have picked up on social networking faster than some of their straight counterparts.) - Special Interest, e.g. Bookmooch
This is a huge category in its own right, gathering niche sites built around a vast amount of subjects, such as: books, music, parenting, food, religion, cars, hobbies,... - Video/Photo, e.g. YouTube
Many of the video and photosites today have become real online communities where people share more than just a video or picture, and instead allowing them to share opinions, interact between themselves, offering opinions etc- turning them into a SN of their own. - Mobile, e.g. Dodgeball
A relatively new type of SN is the so-called mobile social network, also called MoSoSo (Mobile Social Software), where you connect to a community through your moble phone instead of through the Internet. However, many of these Mososos allow you to access the community through their website as well.
As you can see, Special Interest sites and Friends sites are predominant, largely because Friends sites started the whole phenomenon of social networking, and because Special Interest sites are the fastest growing category within the United States, which, by its sheer number, influences the results considerably.
Remark 1: Surprisingly enough, professionally oriented sites make up only 12% of all social networks worldwide. This still leaves a huge market for good business networks to fill. Also, it makes me smile when I hear managers telling me that they don't need these social networks or that they are only used by teenagers...Looking at these figures I think we will see more and more business managers using social networks to enhance their own profiles and/or to do business through them for their companies.
USA & Canada: 51%
Latin America: 2%
Africa: 1%
Australia & New Zealand: 1,50%
Asia: 6%
India: 2,50%
Middle East: 2,50%
Russia & Ukraine: 1,50%
Europe: 31%
Remark 2: In absolute figures, we see that the USA and Canada are leading the pack with 51% of all social networks worldwide. However, it also means that half of all SN are founded outside the United States, contrary to popular belief where we sometimes assume that all SN comes from America. Europe is a good runner up with one third of all SN. I was surprised to see that Eastern Europe helps build this figure with many SN of its own. It is therefore not a given that countries which are industrialized since many years, necessarily are at the forefront of technology, but that newly industrialized countries can take leadership in Web 2.0 as well.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sagi Richberg- Speaker at ThinkTomorrow.eu
Sagi started his career in computer game development and has an extensive background in enterprise management software, security and E-distance learning. He served as a pre-sales engineer and consultant to companies such as Computer Associates and Microsoft. Sagi was also a founder of two previous startups in the fields of CATV testing equipment and social networking.
Wim De Waele- Speaker at ThinkTomorrow.eu
Wim De Waele graduated as a master in economics and in computer sciences at the University of Ghent in 1987 where he started his career as scientific researcher in artificial intelligence. He continued his work in intelligent software systems at the Siemens R&D department in Brussels and Munich. Then he worked as a services director at Numetrix, a Canadian software company.
In 1994 Wim became European Services Director at i2 technologies. He promoted to vice-president for consumer goods and retail, and moved to the main quarter of i2 technologies in Dallas. When he returned to Europe in 2001, he became Chief Technology Officer of Real Software. Since 1 August 2004 Wim De Waele is the General Manager of IBBT (Interdisciplinary institute for BroadBand Technology).
Geert Conard- Speaker at ThinkTomorrow.eu
BIO: Geert Conard (Belgium), Country Manager Belgium of Ecademy
Geert Conard became known as the guy who absolutely hated networking. In early 2004 he started out with social business networking through websites as LinkedIn and Ecademy. Exactly one year later he was one of the TOP Networkers in Belgium. This amazing transformation not only changed the way he conducts his business, but actually changed his life 100%.
In his book “A Girlfriend in Every City”, he shares his story, but also his methods and insights for networking with people whether online or face to face at networking meetings. Social business networking has changed his life in just over a year and he now works with people he hadn’t met until he began sharing his ideas and thoughts with complete strangers.
Geert now networks internationally, is Country Manager of Ecademy Belgium and runs his own ICT Support company called IT Consult Services.
Today Geert claims to receive 95% of his new business projects and sales through his newly developed network. The other 5% is gained through word-of-mouth publicity from his existing customers. Geert never spends any more money on publicity or marketing. Only this saving can already justify the time he spends on networking.
Geert's speeches are always loaded with networking tips. Most tips are simple and easy to take into action to improve your own networking experience.
TOPIC: Proactive networking on Ecademy, LinkedIn, Facebook,... How to get started & how to maximize results? With tips for offline networking as well, which you can put into practise at the event ;-)
Bas van de Haterd- Speaker at ThinkTomorrow.eu
BIO: Bas van de Haterd (the Netherlands), van de Haterd Consultancy
Bas van de Haterd is a professional medler. That's something like a consultant, he just doesn't always keep to the job he's hired for. His goal is always to help a company forward the best he can even if that means pointing out problems that some people within the company would rather ignore. He was 'raised' in business in the new media sector. His main area of expertise is new media and recruitment, helping companies not to be afraid of the new media but embrace it.
Next to that he's a business developer, helping companies (mainly but not exclusively in the recruitment industry) making money out of new media opportunities. As a fanatic blogger and networker he is a personal brand in his own niche market in the Netherlands.
Bas will have an interesting story on how companies use social networking and Web 2.0 to recruit online, how they can use it to influence their employer branding, the do's & don'ts..
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Octavio Pitaluga- Speaker at ThinkTomorrow.eu
Octavio Pitaluga (Brazil), Founder of TEN Top Executives Net
- Chief Networking Officer of TEN - TOP EXECUTIVES NET and of NET-BRIDGES
BIO: Business networks manager, certified international business coach, public speaker and trainer. The most connected South American professional in the main online social and business networks. He defined the CNO - Chief Networking Officer responsibilities on Wikipedia. In the corporate world, Octavio has worked for Tele2 Europe as Marketing and Sales Director of its electronic transactions processing subsidiary, 3C Communications, responsible for operations in up to 17 countries and four business units in Western Europe. He also worked for Seara Alimentos (Cargill Group now) and Kanematsu do Brasil Ltda. He has an MBA degree from RSM Erasmus University, The Netherlands and post-graduation studies in International Business for UFRJ/ECEX. His academic background and professional experience relates to sciences, international business and marketing of technology with relevant international business exposure in more than 25 countries. TEN Top Executives Net is the first trusted worldwide, online, business community whose focus is to bridge and to accelerate business between Ibero America and the international community.
- HR/ Recruitment Managers
- Marketing Managers
- Business Development Managers & Account Managers
- Technology & Trendwatchers
Don't want to miss it? Get your Early Bird tickets here!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
New offline alumni network recognizes the power of social networking
Fucam, the university of Mons (Belgium) has its own alumni network called Alifucam. It was created during the course of 2007 and has met with the interest of many Fucam alumni.
For its official launch, Alifucam (under the presidency of Vincent Truyens) has decided to put theory into practise by organizing a conference on social networking, followed by an offline networking evening. More information can be found here